
Engineering Camp to Open June 23

The University Engineering Camp at Squam Lake, New Hampshire, will open this summer on Thursday, June 23 and will close Tuesday, September 6. Men will go to the Camp June 23 by the 9 o'clock train from the North Union Station to Ashland and from there by boat to the Camp. Students who have to take make-up entrance examinations may have them given at the Camp. Upper class men who have Class Day engagements may, by applying in advance, get leave to report on Saturday, June 25. However, they must conform to other requirements of registration; and upon arrival they must make up back work.

The following courses will be given: Engineering 4a, surveying; Engineering 4c hf, geodetic surveying; Engineering 4d, railroad engineering (first course); Engineering 5b hf, elementary statics; and Engineering 5e hf, elementary kinematics and kinetics.

The fee for these courses is eleven dollars a week, except Engineering 5b and 5e which are 48 dollars each for the whole course.

For the purpose of registration special cards have been provided, which are to be obtained upon application at 114 Pierce Hall where, properly filled out, they are to be filed either by mail or in person, on or before Wednesday, June 15. On that date all students who have not already registered and who desire to take courses at the Camp will register at 110 Pierce Hall, between the hours of 9 and 2 o'clock. Notice of withdrawal must be given in writing and received by the Director at the address given below not later than Wednesday, June 22, at 4 o'clock; otherwise students registered may become liable for the fee.

For further information address Professor H. J. Hughes, 114 Pierce Hall.
