The spring collection of clothing, magazines, and text-books under the auspices of the Phillips Brooks House, will be made tomorrow and Thursday. A list of men, who will act as collectors in the various dormitories, will be printed in tomorrow's CRIMSON. Men who have any articles, which they wish to give, are requested to deliver these to the collectors in their dormitories. Men living in private houses, who wish to add to the collection, are requested to bring their goods to the nearest dormitory. All the articles collected will be distributed to charitable institutions located, for the most part, in Cambridge. The following articles are especially needed: text-books of all kinds, coats, suits, sweaters, shirts, hats, gloves, underwear, neckwear, shoes, magazines, and books. The committee in charge is as follows: C. Hann, Jr., '11, chairman, G. F. Cherry '13, J. S. Davis '08, R. C. Floyd '11, W. B. Harris '13. G. E. Morrison '12, F. E. Richter '13.
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