

In Assembly Room of Union at 6 o'clock.--Open to the University.

The Harvard Engineering Society will hold its twelfth annual dinner with the Association of Harvard Engineers in the Assembly Room of the Union this evening at 6 o'clock. The president of the association, Mr. G. S. Rice '70, member of the Public Service Commission of New York, will act as toastmaster and the following will be the speakers of the evening: Mr. C. P. Steinmetz h.'02, consulting engineer of the General Electric Company of Schenectady, N. Y.; Mr. C. W. Baker '84, editor of the Engineering News; Mr. J. R. Freeman, consulting engineer; H. Nawn '10, president of the Harvard Engineering Society; and G. W. Lewis '10, editor of the Harvard Engineering Journal.

The dinner is open to all graduates and undergraduates of the University. Tickets may be obtained of Professor F. L. Kennedy, Pierce 301. The dinner committee is composed of the following: P. C. Nash '11, chairman, J. Humphrey, Jr., '10, G. W. Lewis '10, W. B. Strong '10, P. H. Smith '11, and F. H. Hill '12.
