
Experiments in Wireless Telegraphy

A new club known as "The Radiograph Company of Harvard University" has recently been organized by various members of the University who are interested in wireless telegraphy for the purpose of experimenting in this new science. Several of the men erected stations for their own use within the last year, and there are now four, situated on dormitories about the Yard; one each on Matthews, Holyoke House, Brentford and Westmorly.

At present the men are experimenting in the use of a newly invented instrument called a "transformer tuner." This instrument by means of a highly complicated mechanism cuts out all messages which are not within a certain radius of the receiving station, to which it is attached; thus obviating all chances of error in receiving despatches. In perfecting this instrument the club hopes to be able to aid greatly all receiving stations and to make a great step towards the perfection of wireless telegraphy.
