
Five Readings by Mr. Allard

Mr. Louis Allard, instructor in French, will give a series of readings from French writers at 8 o'clock Wednesday evenings in Emerson J. These readings will be open to the public. The dates and subjects are as follows:

February 16.--"Griselidis," a mystery in three acts by Armand Silvestre and Eugene Morand.

February 23.--"Myrrha," a story, by J. Lemaitre, and "Un grand mariage," a story, by Ludovic Halevy.

March 2.--"Polypheme," a dramatic poem in two acts, by Albert Samain, and "La mule du pape," by Alphonse Daudet.

March 30.--"Severo Torelli," a drama in five acts, by Francois Coppee.


April 6.--"La messe de minute de Gregoire VII," by Emile Gebhardt, and "Rose d'automne," a comedy in one act by Auguste Dorchain.
