

Hard Game Expected with Champions of Maritime Canadian League.

The University hockey team will play the fifth game of its schedule this afternoon with St. Francis Xavier College of Nova Scotia in the University rink in the Stadium at 3 o'clock.

This game is undoubtedly the hardest of the remaining schedule next to that with Yale on February 19. St. Francis has been the champion team of the Maritime League of Canada for several years and this season is exceptionally fast. The team has had regular practice since the beginning of winter, and has a well-developed offence, which is unusually efficient in the Canadian style of hockey. The men are very fast skaters; and because of their long season on the ice, have developed excellent team-work.

The University team has had little practice in the last two weeks, on account of the warm weather, but is in fairly good condition as was shown in the practice game with Brae Burn on last Tuesday. Blackall will play at point today, taking the place of Huntington who is ill. The line-ups: HARVARD.  ST. FRANCIS. Gardner, l.e.  r.e., Mahaney Hicks, l.c.  r.c., Fraser Duncan, r.c.  l.c., F. MacDonald Hornblower, r.e.  l.e., Sears Foster, c.p.  c.p., Chisholm Blackall, p.  p., McIsaac Chadwick, g.  g., J. MacDonald
