
Armory A. A. Track Meet Tomorrow

The second annual indoor track meet of the Armory Athletic Association, of Rhode Island, will be held at Providence tomorrow evening at 7.15 o'clock. Sixteen men from the University have entered in the 50-yard dash and the 1000-yard run. The 780-yard relay team will race a team from the Brookline Gymnasium A. A. The men will leave the South Station on a special train at 4.30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon and will return directly after the games.

The open handicap events, beside the 50-yard dash and the 1000-yard run, will be the 50-yard high hurdles and the running high jump. The 8-pound shot-put will be an invitation scratch event. A team race will be run between the R. I. National Guard and the Naval Batallion.
