
Mr. F. E. Elwell in Robinson Tonight

Mr. F. Edwin Elwell, the sculptor, will deliver a lecture on "The Necessity of Integrity in Art" in the Lecture Room of Robinson Hall this evening at 8 o'clock. The lecture will be given under the auspices of the Department of Fine Arts and will be open to members of the University only.

Mr. Elwell is one of the leading American sculptors. His work exhibited at the Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893, and at the Pan American, Buffalo, 1901, attracted wide public attention. He has twice been awarded a gold medal by the Philadelphia Art Club, and received a silver medal from Leopold II of Belgium. He is an honorary member of the Cincinnati Art Club and of the Dickens Fellowship, and was curator for several years of the Department of Ancient and Modern Sculpture at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City.

Some of the Commissions designed and executed by Mr. Elwell are as follows:

"Death of Strength," in Edam, Holland, the first statue erected in Europe by an American born sculptor; "Egypt Awaking," in Paris; "Vice-Presidents Morton and Hobart," for the Senate Chamber, Washington; "Lincoln," in East Orange, N. J.
