Applications from members of the class of 1911 for rooms in Holworthy, Hollis and Stoughton must be in before 5 o'clock today.
In the original plan it was stated that in every case preference should be given to two men desiring to occupy one room, but this will be the case in Holworthy only. In Hollis and Stoughton, where it would be desirable to have adjoining rooms opened up into suites wherever possible, two and three men wishing to occupy two adjoining rooms shall be considered on the same basis as four. The preference, however, shall be accorded only by aggregate number of names, as before. By this arrangement a group of fourteen applying for seven rooms in Holworthy, may also specify fourteen or twelve, etc., rooms in Hollis or Stoughton as alternatives, thus affording it two chances to have its application filled.
Men may apply in groups of from two to fourteen, the latter number being the maximum capacity of the smallest entries. The assignment will be made by lot, in which preference will be given to the larger groups of applications. The rooms available next year in the three dormitories mentioned above are as follows:
Holworthy.--West entry, 8 rooms; middle entry, 7 rooms; east entry, 7 rooms.
Hollis.--South entry, 14 rooms; north entry, 16 rooms.
Stoughton.--South entry, 13 rooms; north entry, 15 rooms.
For group applications it is desirable that one man act as captain for each group of four or more. This captain will send the application to the committee in a sealed envelope containing the signatures of his group. On the outside of each envelope some fictitious name is to be written in order to distinguish it, together with the number of names contained therein. There shall also be written on the outside of the sealed envelope, the order of preferences by entries, and the number of rooms desired in each case. Wherever there is some special inclination, such as for lower or upper floors, this may be indicated in parentheses. If a man's name appears in more than one application, each application in which his name appears will be thrown out. The sealed application is to be enclosed in a second envelope and addressed to the "1911 Senior Dormitory Committee. Phillips Brooks House."
All unsuccessful applicants in this allotment will be accommodated in a second allotment for Thayer Hall. The office hours of the dormitory committee in Phillips Brooks House from 9 to 1 will continue through the week.
Students living in College buildings other than Hollis, Stoughton, or Holworthy who intend to be students in any department of the University during the academic year 1910-11 and wish to engage for that year the rooms which they now occupy, must sign new room-assignments and leave them at the Bursar's office on or before next Saturday.
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