

President of Northern Pacific R. R. Will Speak in Union Tonight at 8.

Mr. Howard Elliott '81, president of the Northern Pacific Railroad Company, will deliver the third of the lectures on professions in the Living Room of the Union this evening at 8 o'clock. His subject will be "The Northwest and Railroads."

The lecture will be open to all members of the University, in order that as many men as possible may take advantage of this opportunity to hear Mr. Elliott, who is a member of the Board of Overseers.

Mr. Elliott has been connected with railroading in the West since he was graduated from the Lawrence Scientific School in 1881. Like nearly every present-day railroad man of note, he has filled numerous positions, varying in responsibility from minor clerkships to that which he now holds as president of one of the most progressive railroads of the country.

In 1890, Mr. Elliott became general freight agent for the four roads of the Burlington system and five years later he was advanced to the general managership of the system. Since 1903 he has been in his present position.
