
Senior Class Notice

Designs for Class Day Tickets.

Designs for Class Day tickets must be definitely chosen before March 1. Seniors who enter the competition will greatly aid the Class Day Committee in its work by submitting their designs as early as possible. As several designs already submitted have not been drawn in accordance with the stipulations already published, the attention of competing Seniors is particularly called to the following: Designs should be done in pen and ink on white paper and should be 4 1-2 by 7 1-2 inches in size. Every design must contain the words, "Harvard Class Day, 1910" in prominent lettering, and in addition, the following words, as indicated:

1. Yard tickets--"Harvard Class Day, 1910. Admit one to the Yard, 2-11 P. M., June 24."

2. Stadium tickets--"Harvard Class Day, 1910. Stadium Exercises, 4 P. M., June 24."

3. Memorial tickets--"Harvard Class Day, 1910. Admit one to Memorial Hall and Gymnasium, 8-11 P. M., June 24."

In order that there may be no misapprehension as to the style of work desired, tickets used in former years have been placed in a blue-book at Leavitt & Peirce's.


A design is also desired for the Senior Spread dance program, containing the words, "Harvard (University) Senior Spread, Class of 1910, June 23." The design should be in ink or wash, preferably ink, and should measure 4 1-2 by 7 1-2 inches. A competitor who desires to vary the lettering of any design should communicate with R. C. Hallowell, 28 Plympton street, to whom all designs should be sent. The successful competitor will be given free tickets by the committee.
