The Harvard Club of Boston will hold its second annual dinner at the Hotel Somerset this evening at 7 o'clock. It is expected that about 270 people will be present, including members and invited guests.
Mr. H. L. Higginson '55, president of the club, will preside. Hon. Curtis Guild, Jr., '81 will be toastmaster and Dr. R. C. Cabot '89 will act as chorister. The principal address of the evening will be made by President Lowell. Professor Adams of the Greek Department of Dartmouth, President Harris of Amherst, President Maclaurin of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Visiting Professor G. W. Prothero, editor of the Quarterly Review and recently president of the Royal Historical Society of England, and Professor J. H. Ropes '89 will also speak.
The committee on arrangements consists of Mr. E. H. Baker '81, Mr. C. B. Barnes, Jr., '90, Mr. T. P. Beal, Jr., '04, secretary, Mr. H. W. Wade '81, chairman, and Mr. J. Woodbury '80.
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