Saturday the University swimming team was subjected to humiliating defeat by the University of Pennsylvania, scoring only 9 points to 44. It is true that swimming is a minor sport, but it is certainly no credit to a great University to have any of its teams, no matter how unimportant, so completely outclass,--to which fact the fate of basketball bears abundant testimony. Such a defeat is particularly provoking when, as in this case, it is directly traceable to three simple causes:--men on probation, the two-period rule, and the lack of a swimming tank. The first two are common enough grievances but the last is the real cause of the trouble; for it is not only so difficult to develop sufficient material for a swimming team without a proper tank that the loss of one or two men is almost sure to prevent its winning, but it is almost impossible for the men that do come out to get the necessary practice and training. We call attention to this lamentable situation, not only to show that the swimming team is made to labor at a disadvantage, but because it is another instance of the sad need of a new gymnasium and tank.
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