
New Baseball Candidates Begin Work

Regular practice for inexperienced candidates for the University baseball team will begin this afternoon at 3 o'clock in the Cage. Men who were on the University squad last year, and those who won the "H2nd" or 1912 insignia will be called out later, probably about March 1. Coach Pieper and Captain Lanigan will direct the work, and Kittredge will coach the battery candidates for a few weeks.

Meeting of 1913 Baseball Men Tonight.

Candidates for places on the Freshman team should report in the Cage tomorrow at 4 o'clock for their first practice. A meeting of all men who intend to try for the Freshman nine will be held in the Assembly Room of the Union this evening at 7 o'clock. All candidates are expected to attend. Coach Pieper and Captain Lanigan will be the speakers.
