

For University and Freshman Squads in Boathouse.--Prospects for Year.

The University and Freshman crew squads will begin regular work this afternoon at the University boathouse. As in former years Coach Wray will have charge of the rowing of both squads and the work at present will consist of rowing on the machines and in the tank until weather permits practice on the river. The University squad has been divided up for the present into four temporary crews which will report at 4 o'clock as follows:

University crew--Stroke, Newton; 7, Waid; 6, Cutler; 5, Bacon; 4, Withington; 3, Hooper; 2, Sargent; bow, Balch; cox., King.

Second crew--Stroke, Forster; 7, Metcalf; 6, Strong; 5, Higginson; 4, Leslie; 3, Whitney; 2, Waite; bow, Wiggins; cox., Voorhees.

Third crew--Stroke, Maxwell; 7, Coe; 6, M. Peabody; 5, Beane; 4, Cudahy; 3, Anderson; 2, Parker; bow, Howell; cox., Everett.

Fourth crew--Stroke, Trumbull; 7, P. Smith; 6, Eaton; 5, L. Smith; 4, Fowler; 3, Hoar; 2, C. Peabody; bow, Jowett; cox., Fales:


Prospects for University Eight.

The University crew, composed of R. W. Cutler '11, J. E. Waid '10, G. F. Newton '12, E. C. Bacon '10, A. Strong '12, G. P. Metcalf '12, F. H. Leslie '11, S. A. Sargent '10, and M. A. King '10 in the order in which it won the three and one-half mile bumping race between the three University crews on the last day of rowing last fall, together with H. Forster '11 and R. Whitney '11 of last year's University four, the rest of last year's Freshman eight not mentioned above, last year's second University four and Freshman four, and L. Withington '11, who rowed 5 in the University crew last year, should form a strong nucleus for this year's University eight. Of these men, Bacon, Cutler, Waid, and Withington rowed on the University eight in the race with Yale last July. It seems likely that the stern four will remain as it was last fall. The bow four is more unsettled, but Withington, Hooper, Strong, Metcalf, Leslie, Sargent, Whitney, Forster, and Balch, with others, should make a good number of oarsmen from which to make a final selection.

All men, irrespective of previous experience, who wish to try for the Freshman crew, should report at the University boathouse at 4.30 o'clock this afternoon.
