An unusual amount of freedom is to be given the class of 1911 in the assignment of rooms in the Senior dormitories. The privilege of making the assignment within the class, instead of through the Bursar's office, involves the responsibility of having a new system of allotment that shall do away with the haphazard features of the present system, and which shall at the same time be fair to all applicants.
The fault of the present system is that the groups are made up, and rooms are assigned to them without any relation to one another. A group of four, or even of two, may be and usually is, a self-sufficient unit, for by Senior year friendships are so firmly established that residence in the same entry is not enough to break down the barriers of reserve established by several years of non-acquaintance. That these conditions will be much changed by allotment by entries or in large groups, is not evident. The merit of the scheme seems to be altogether in making the Senior dormitories more pleasant for their occupants, and so making the dormitories more generally popular.
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