
Ragged Practice by University Team

The University hockey team held the first practice on ice since January 24 at the Brae Burn Country Club, Newton, yesterday afternoon. The ice was slow but served to give the forwards and defence considerable practice in a scrub game with the Newton High School.

During the first part of the game the forwards played together well, and the passing was the best this season. The presence of Morgan in the forward line seemed to give life to the whole team and Harvard scored without difficulty. On the defence the University team was weak, there being very little effective body checking. During the latter part of the game Newton braced, and succeeded in scoring twice, wholly on individual work. Towards the end of the game Blackall replaced Foster at coverpoint and succeeded fairly well in breaking up the rushes of the opposing forwards. The Harvard forwards, however, with the exception of Hicks, failed to follow back to support the defence. Following the game the first and second team forwards were given a short practice against their respective defences.

This evening at 8 o'clock the University team will play a practice game with the Brae Burn team at the Brae Burn Country Club.
