

At the Sophomore elections yesterday, the Student Council received its final ratification, and now exists as a body ready to take up its duties, and to prove its real value as a force in undergraduate life. There has been some discussion as to the way in which the old Council passed from existence,--whether it really died or merely fell asleep. There can be no doubt, however, that another organization was needed to replace it.

The new Student Council has been created and provided with an excellent system for conducting business. That the undergraduates have faith in the new organization is clearly shown by the majorities polled for its ratification. Moreover, the administrative officers of the University are prepared to grant to the Council certain disciplinary powers, which will decrease the purely advisory function, to which is attributed a large share in the former Council's decline. These elements,--practical organization and support from Faculty and students,--are necessary and are not lacking.

No reason seems now apparent for failure to "make good." Signs of that vital force which alone can command success are eagerly awaited. The CRIMSON believes that these will not long be wanting, and takes pleasure in adding its own heartiest wishes for the Council's success.
