

In another column the CRIMSON prints this morning an expression of opinion from the Federated Clubs and a communication from a member of that organization. The only possible argument for following the advice there given is to obtain a better constitution; and this is utterly improbable, as the present document has been considered and approved by entirely representative undergraduates as well as by President Lowell and Dean Wells. An almost insurmountable reason for disregarding the action of the Federated Clubs is that the plan suggested would confuse and disorganize the whole movement now on foot, and delay by ten days or two weeks the organization of the Council. As it is, several problems of importance await its consideration. Although the revised constitution was presented entire only yesterday morning, its very point had been brought up for discussion four days previously. In consideration of this, the claim of too hasty ratification vanishes completely.

Yesterday by a majority of over 4 to 1 the Junior class expressed its approval of the present constitution. It is generally hoped and expected that yesterday's verdict will be repeated and emphasized by the Senior and Sophomore votes.
