At a meeting of the Federated Clubs held last night the following resolution was adopted:
"Resolved: That it is the sense of this meeting that a committee should be elected by the College to draw up a constitution for a Student Council, that the chairman of this meeting be requested to call for nominations to this committee signed by at least ten students, that these nominations be published in the CRIMSON for Dec. 9 and Dec. 13, that on Dec. 13 a committee of seven be elected by all the students, that this committee hold a public meeting to receive proposals and hear arguments, and thereafter draw up a constitution to be ratified by the students, section by section, and that when any member of the committee does not assent to any one provision, the alternatives be presented to the voters."
The classes are advised to reject the proposed constitution in order to give an opportunity for this procedure. This resolution shall not come into effect if the two classes to vote on Tuesday ratify the proposed constitution.