
Class in General Athletics

Last year Mr. W. F. Garcelon L. '95 conducted a class in general athletics, in which a number of Freshmen were enrolled. The idea was to get a group of men who were not taking part in any of the recognized sports and give them a certain amount of training in athletics. They were instructed in vaulting, simple tumbling, hurdling, jumping, running, sparring and fencing.

This year Mr. Garcelon and P. Withington '09 will conduct a similar class for Freshmen which will meet three times a week at 3.30 or 4 o'clock. Swimming will be added to the above list of sports, if the use of a tank can be obtained. A few lessons in wrestling may also be given. In the spring some of the easier outdoor games will be taken up. From time to time the instruction will be supplemented by talks on the best way to care for the body.

Freshmen, who are not expecting to try for any regular team, and wish to join this class, should send their names and College addresses to the Graduate Treasurer, Harvard Athletic Association, at once.
