

Score of 10-0 Due to Team-Play by Forwards and Excellent Defence.

The University hockey team defeated Amherst in a one-sided contest at the Boston Arena Saturday night, the score being 10 to 0. Considerable roughness was displayed, and at one time there were only eleven men on the ice. The Amherst team were fair skaters, but were unable to carry the puck for any appreciable distance or to shoot accurately when they had an opportunity to score.

The University team displayed knowledge of the game, and played together well. In fact, only two goals out of ten were scored on purely individual work.

Hornblower, Duncan and Huntington did the best offensive work, and between them scored 9 out of the 10 goals. The work of Hornblower was especially noticeable. He carried the puck well, shot hard and accurately, and was very fast in following back. During the second half the team-play on the offence grew more ragged, due to numerous substitutions, but the defence remained as strong as before and Amherst had practically no chance of scoring.

The summary: HARVARD.  AMHERST. Leslie, Gorham, Childs, l.e.  r.e., Cranshaw Duncan, Pierce, l.c.  r.c., Miller, Wilcox Hornblower, r.c.  l.c., Chapin Seamans, Pratt, r.e.  l.e., King, Swanton Huntington, Houston, c.p.  c.p., Sibley Graustein, Blackall, p.  p., Abele Chadwick, Gardner, g.  g., Babcock

Score--Harvard, 10; Amherst, 0. Goals--Duncan 4, Hornblower 4, Huntington, Pierce. Penalties (two minutes)--Abele, Leslie, Seamans, Sibley; (one minute)--Abele, Hornblower 2, Sibley 2. Referee--J. Norfolk, Boston Arena. Umpire--W. P. Rawley 1M. Timer--Mackay, Brae Burn. Goal umpires--T. S. Sampson '09, for Harvard, and Keith, for Amherst. Time--20 and 15-minute periods.
