The Student Council at its first meeting held in the Union last evening, elected the following officers; president, L. Withington, Jr., '11, Honolulu, Hawail; vice-president, R. C. Foster '11, Charles River Village; secretary, T. H. McKittrick, Jr., '11, St. Louis, Mo. The following four men were elected members of the executive committee; from the Senior class, W. C. Greene, Baltimore, Md., and P. D. Smith, Chicago, Ill.; from the Junior class, R. T. Fisher, Dorchester; H. L. Gaddis, McCune, Kan. A. Beane '11, Massawippi, Canada, was elected a member but resigned, and Greene was chosen to replace him.
A by-law was adopted enabling the president of the Council to appoint subcommittees, with members of the executive committee as chairmen, to consider special subjects.
The Council also voted that the Sophomore and Junior class elections be held in the first three weeks of the College year. The object of this is to make possible the early election of the members at-large of the Council.
Senior Dormitories Advocated.
The subject of Seniors rooming in the Yard was brought up for discussion and the opinion of the Council was expressed in the following motion: "The Student Council endorses most heartily continuation of the present system of Senior dormitories by the class of 1912. The Council believes that the success of Senior dormitories has much to do with the future unity of any class, and will co-operate in every way with the committee now in charge of this matter."
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