The Student Council, which has now been ratified by the three upper classes, by a total vote of 475 to 123, is composed of the following men: members ex-officiis--C. P. Aiken '11, of Cambridge; R. W. Cutler '11, of Brookline; R. C. Foster '11, of Charles River Village; H. L. Gaddis '12, McCune, Kan.; E. A. Graustein '13, of Cambridge; A. Gregg '11, of Colorado Springs, Col.; T. H. McKittrick, Jr., '11, of St. Louis, Mo.; C. B. McLaughlin '11, of Jamaica Plain; J. S. Miller, Jr., '11, of Chicago, Ill.; R. A. Morton, Jr., '11, of Brooklyn, N. Y.; J. A. Sweetser '11, of Brookline; L. Withington, Jr., '11, of Honolulu, Hawaii; members from the Senior class--A. Beane, of Massawippi, Canada; R. C. Floyd, of Brookline; G. R. Harding, of Boston; R. Hornblower, of Arlington; H. Jaques, Jr., of Chestnut Hill; J. G. B. Perkins, of West Newton; P. D. Smith, of Chicago, Ill.; S. B. Steel, of Chicago, Ill.; A. Sweetser, of Boston; members from the Junior class--G. H. Balch, of Laramie, Wyo.; T. J. Campbell, of Gardner; R. T. Fisher, of Dorchester; W. H. Fernald, of Waverley; R. S. Potter, of Philadelphia, Pa.; L. D. Smith, of Chicago, Ill.; R. B. Wigglesworth, of Milton; members from the Sophomore class--R. B. Batchelder, of Salem; S. M. Felton, 3d., of Haverford, Pa.; A. M. Goodale, of Cambridge; R. P. Lewis, of Walpole; P. L. Wendell, of Jamaica Plain.
As H. L. Gaddis '12 became an ex-officio member of the Council upon his election as president of the Junior class, W. H. Fernald '12, who was eighth man in the election of seven out of nine members from the class of 1912, became a regular member of the Council. The Phi Beta Kappa representatives were elected yesterday as follows: C. S. Collier '11, of Kinderhook, N. Y.; F. M. Eliot '11, of Boston; W. C. Greene '11, of Baltimore, Md. The above list contains the whole number of men in the Council except the First Marshal of the Senior class, and the president and three members from the Freshman class. The latter will not be chosen until next term.
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