
To Give Fine Arts Course in London

The Summer School authorities announce for next summer a course in Fine Arts to be given in London on "Turner and the Land cape Painters of his Time." This course will be a distinct innovation in the teaching of Fine Arts. It will begin on Wednesday, July 5, and end on Tuesday, August 15, and will be open to women as well as men.

Professor Arthur Pope '01 will conduct the course by means of lectures, conferences, visits to galleries and reports. The chief aim will be a study of the works of Turner in the galleries in and near London, together with a study of his environment and development, in order to learn as much as possible of are mental processes involved in the production of great imaginative works of art. The many thousands of drawings, sketches, and paintings now in the now Turner wing of the Tate Gallery, make the study of Turner far more comprehensive than is possible in the case of any other of the greater masters of painting. Besides the collections in the Tate Gallery, Turner has many important works in the National Gallery, the Kensington Museum, the British Museum, and in the collections of Oxford and Cambridge universities, which will be accessible for study in this course.

It is planned, furthermore, to take one day each week for some study of other paintings in the chief galleries the course thus including a brief survey of the main characteristics of the principal European schools of painting.


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