As a result of the two days of bumping races, five crews, Brentford, Claverly, Mt. Auburn street, Randolph and Russell, have been chosen for the final straightaway race from scratch to be held in the Basin this afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. The course, which corresponds to the American Henley distance, will be one mile, 550 yards long. The start will be made at the Cottage Farm bridge and the crews will finish on a line across the river from Fairfield street, three blocks below Harvard bridge.
Of the five crews, Claverly, Randolph and Russell have made the best showing in the races of the last two days. Mt. Auburn street, however, has not been called upon to row its hardest. Russell will be a factor in the race today only if it can maintain for a long distance the speed it has shown in the first hundred yards of both bumping races.
During the work of preparation, Brentford, Claverly and Randolph have been under the direction of Coach Brown at the Weld boathouse, while Mt. Auburn street and Russell have worked under Coach Stephenson at the Newell.
The orders of the crews in the race today will be as follows:
From First Division.
Claverly.--Stroke, G. Martin '11; 7, H. J. Sargent '12; 6, W. DeF. Beal '11; 5, N. Ford '13; 4, F. H. Trumbull '14; 3, H. H. Powel '14; 2, A. W. Hunnewell '12; bow, F. C. Grant '14; cox., N. Roosevelt '14.
Randolph.--Stroke, L. S. Chanler '14; 7, J. S. Morgan '14; 6, T. W. Barnes '12; 5, R. Weston '12; 4, R. W. Searle '14; 3, H. R. Hilliard '14; 2, B. H. Handy '13; bow, H. P. Metcalf '14; cox., W. M. Carson '14.
From Second Division.
Brentford.--Stroke, C. G. Browne '13; 7, W. L. Ustick '13; 6, E. W. Jackson '13; 5, G. F. Cherry '13; 4, S. H. Olmsted '13; 3, L. L. Van Schaack '13; 2, R. H. Van Schaack '13; bow, J. Jeffries '13; cox., C. C. Whittelsey '13.
Mt. Auburn street.--Stroke, A. B. Day '13; 7, H. B. Willis '12; 6, R. Vickery '13; 5, E. M. Hudson '13; 4, O. K. Henry '14; 3, F. J. Leviseur '13; 2, R. Taggart '13; bow, J. H. Schafer '13; cox., W. Faulkner '14.
Russell.--Stroke, E. D. Curtis, Jr., '14; E. H. Locke '13; 6, C. B. Blanchard '14; 5, F. L. Converse '14; 4, G. Harrower '14; 3, C. H. Cromble '14; 2, F. H. Storms '14; bow, W. P. Dudley '13; cox., A. M. Hay '14.
Yesterday's Racing.
At the start of the first division race yesterday, Claverly gained on Thayer perceptibly, and drew away from Weld in the first few strokes. Thayer, however, again lengthened out the distance between the two boats before the first bend had been reached. Oxford street was forced to drop out of the race immediately after the start owing to an unfortunate accident to the rudder of its shell.
Rounding the first part of the second bend, the first three crews were well bunched and Claverly was gaining steadily on Thayer. Weld was far in the rear. Just before the three crews came into the stretch at the finish Claverly succeeded in bumping Thayer. Randolph had no trouble in maintaining its position at the head of the river throughout the course.
In the second race Russell duplicated its feat of Tuesday by bumping the crew ahead of it, Dunster-Dana-Drayton, within one hundred yards of the start. Mt. Auburn street and Brentford, at the head of the river, in positions one and two respectively, could not gain on one another up to the first bend. Just before and during the first part of the second bend, however, Mt. Auburn street increased its lead, and although Brentford gained again as the crews came into the home-stretch, Mt. Auburn street pulled away at the finish.
All members of the crews in today's race must report dressed to row at 2.45 o'clock, and every crew must be on the line promptly at 3.30.
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