
Funeral of Mr. Riddle at 2.30 Today

Funeral services for George Riddle '74 will be held at Appleton Chapel at 2.30 o'clock. The services will be conducted by Rev. Thomas Van Ness D.D., of the Second Church of Boston. W. A. Locke '69 will act as organist and will render selections from music for the Oedipus composed by J. K. Paine h.'69.

The pall bearers will be Dr. A. F. Barnes '98, H. N. Fisher '57, ex-Governor Guild '81, Professor C. B. Gulick '90, C. S. Hamlin '83, Professor W. F. Harris '91, G. M. Lane '81, L. E. Opdycke '80, W. T. Piper '74, Mr. E. H. Sothern, Dean E. R. Thayer '88, E. J. Wendell '82, Professor J. W. White p.'77, Professor J. K. Whittemore '95, Mr. Francis Wilson, and W. S. Youngman '95.

The following is a list of ushers: A. S. A. Brady '08, J. W. S. Brady '10, G. Elliott '13, Mr. B. Langstaff, D. M. Payson '88, Mr. H. R. Swazey, J. Weare '10 and M. S. Winpenny '08.

The funeral will be at Mt. Auburn Cemetery and will be private.
