Saturday, November 26.
*MORNING PRAYER.--Rev. President Francis J. McConnell, of Greencastle, Ind. Appleton Chapel, 8.45 A. M. President McConnell will be in Wadsworth House between 9 and 10 A. M. and between 2.30 and 3.30 P. M.
Sunday, November 27.
**MORNING SERVICE. Rev. President Francis J. McConnell, of Greencastle, Ind. Appleton Chapel, 11 A. M. Students of the University enter at the south side-door. Students accompanied by friends enter at the south side-door. Officers of the University and their families enter at the north side-door. No seats except in the galleries will be open to the public.
Monday, November 28.
PRESIDENT AND FELLOWS OF HARVARD COLLEGE. Meeting at 50 State street, Boston, 10.30 A. M.
**LECTURE, "The Life and Works of Beethoven." (With musical illustrations.) Professor Friedlaender. New Lecture Hall, 4.30 P. M. Seats reserved for members of the University until five minutes before the beginning of the lecture.
*SEMINARY OF ECONOMICS. "The trade Relations between Spain and England under the Early Tudors." Mr. Julius Klein. Upper Dane 2, 4.30 P. M.
*PHYSICAL COLLOQUIUM. "Some Recent Investigations on the Charge of the Electron." Mr. E. L. Chaffee. Jefferson Physical Laboratory, Room 24, 5 P. M.
Tuesday, November 29.
**LECTURES ON HERDER AND GOETHE. I. "Herder and Goethe in Strassburg." Dr. Guenther Jacoby. Emerson J, 4.30 P. M.
*LECTURES ON PRAGMATISM. XI. "The Influence of Pragmatism on Contemporary Thought." Dr. H. M. Kallen, Emerson F, 4.30 P. M. Open to members of the University and of Radcliffe College.
**LECTURE. "Races and Peoples of Europe." Dr. Eugen Oberhummer, Professor of Geography at the University of Vienna. Geological Lecture Room, 4.30 P. M.
CONFERENCES ON RELIGION AND SOCIAL PROBLEMS. "Christian Teachings and Social Applications." II. Dean Fenn. Parlor, Phillips Brooks House, 7.30 P. M. All members of the Law School and of the Graduate Schools are invited to be present.
Wednesday, November 30.
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