
Fourth Year of Chamber Concerts

This is the fourth year of a four years' course of classical and modern chamber music, which has been arranged by a number of persons, chiefly Harvard Alumni interested in musical education, who feel that American universities have not as yet afforded sufficient opportunities for developing the musical taste of those of their members who are not especially devoted to musical studies. In order, therefore, to encourage an intelligent appreciation of music among those who have a normal sense of its beauty, they have united on the following proposals:

1. That a uniform series of five monthly expositions of classical and modern chamber music be given in Eastern universities and colleges in the academic year 1910-11 by Mr. Arthur Whiting, who will be assisted in some of the performances by suitable artists.

2. That the heads of music departments, or other representatives of colleges, in which these expositions are given, shall act as an advisory committee with Mr. Whiting.

3. That a sum of money be contributed by individuals for the necessary expenses, subscriptions being for the general fund or for single colleges as designated.
