

Randolph and Russell Crews Appeared Best.--Regatta Continued Today.

Two bumps resulted yesterday in the first day of the inter-dormitory bumping races for the Filley Cup. In the first division race Randolph bumped Thayer just before the first bend was reached and in the next race Russell bumped Perkins within 100 yards from the start. The weather conditions were perfect for racing. As a result of yesterday's bumps Randolph and Thayer in the first division and Russell and Perkins in the second division will interchange positions at the starting line today.

At about 3.30 o'clock the crews of the first division took their starting positions as follows: 1, Thayer; 2, Randolph; 3, Claverly; 4, Weld; 5, Oxford street. The Oxford street crew decided to enter the race at the last minute, thus making five crews in each division. All the crews took racing starts off the mark at the gun, but Randolph was the only crew which was well together, and it immediately began to gain on Thayer. Chanler, at stroke, lowered the beat but very little after the start and kept driving his crew until it had bumped Thayer shortly before the first bend. Both crews then dropped out of the race. Oxford street, which started in last position, was out of the race almost immediately, but all the men stuck at their task with spirit until the finish line was crossed. Weld was able to stay right behind Claverly until within 300 yards of the finish line, then Martin, who was stroking Claverly, spurted and drove his crew rapidly away.

Shortly after 4.30 o'clock the second division started in the following order: 1, Mt. Auburn street; 2, Brentford; 3, Dunster-Dana-Drayton; 4, Perkins; 5, Russell. In this race Russell got the best start of any of the crews in either division, and maintaining a high stroke this crew overhauled and bumped Perkins before 100 yards had been covered. Interest then centered on the three crews at the head of the line. For a short time it looked as if Dunster-Dana-Drayton, which was rowing a hard race, would bump Brentford, but poor steering ruined the crew's chances at the first bend, and after the second bend there was no further hope of a bump. Mt. Auburn street was able to stay ahead of Brentford all the way without much exertion.

While there were only two bumps yesterday, both races were spirited and hard-fought contests, and those crews which did not bump nevertheless exerted themselves to the very finish. A considerable number of undergraduates watched the races from the bank.

The Races Today.


The races will start today as yesterday at 3.45 and 4.15 o'clock respectively, and all men must report at their respective boathouses dressed to row, promptly at 3 o'clock. The crews will take their positions today in the following order:

First division--1, Randolph; 2, Thayer; 3, Claverly; 4, Weld; 5, Oxford street. Second division--1, Mt. Auburn street; 2, Brentford; 3, Dunster-Dana-Drayton; 4, Russell; 5, Perkins.
