As a result of the cross-country time trial held yesterday afternoon, the following ten men have been chosen to run against Yale on Friday: C. W. Burrage '13, H. L. Groves '12, H. Jaques, Jr., '11, W. H. Lacey '12, H. P. Lawless '13, S. Nichols '13, W. A. Perkins '12, W. P. Rogers '11, E. L. Viets '11, and P. R. Withington '12. The cross-country run with Yale will be held over the six-mile Chestnut Hill course on Friday afternoon at 3.30 o'clock.
The Andover Run.
The selection of men for the second cross-country team, which will take part in the Andover invitation cross-country run on November 11, will be made from those men who run against Yale, but are not taken to Princeton, and from those men who make a good showing in the consolation run on Tuesday. The team that runs against Andover will consist of seven men, and the first five men of each team to finish will score. The Andover course is one and three-quarters miles in length, and the race will be three times around this course, making a distance of five and a quarter miles.
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Shooting Match with Dartmouth