The preliminary trials for the Pasteur Debate will be held in Harvard 5 next Tuesday at 7.30 o'clock, and all men who wish to enter must hand their names to L. A. Mahoney '13, Walter Hastings 12, or H. B. Ehrman '12. Weld 37, by 6 o'clock tonight. Ten men will be retained for the final competition, which will be held in the Fogg Art Museum on Thursday, December 15, at 8 o'clock. The debate will be open to the public. The subject to be discussed this year will be: "The Principle of Ministerial Responsibility in its Relation to the French Parliamentary System." For the benefit of those who intend to enter the competition, books on the subject have been reserved in Gore Hall.
At the trials, men will be allowed to speak for five minutes only, but in the final competition the speeches will be of ten minute durations.
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