
General Information About Game

Time of Game.

Gates open at 1 o'clock. The game will begin at 2 o'clock. As about 33,000 people will have to be seated, an early start should be made. Under ordinary conditions the game should be over by 4.30 o'clock.


Tickets will be accepted only at the entrance to the stand in which the seat is located.

Trolley Cars at New Haven.


Trolley cars from the N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R. station, New Haven, run direct to College Green.

Trolley cars to Yale Field will run at intervals of 30 seconds from the corner of Church and Chapel streets, and will plainly display the sign "To Yale Field." At least 45 minutes should be allowed to reach the field from the N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R. station.

Route for Carriages and Automobiles.

No automobiles or carriages shall proceed in either direction on Chapel street between College and Norton streets, nor on Derby avenue, between the hours of 12.30 and 5.30. During those hours, all vehicles shall approach Yale Field through Chapel street from Norton, thence to Central avenue to Yale Field, returning by the same route. All vehicles coming from the sistion shall go through Meadow street to George, to Temple, to Elm, to Norton, to Chapel, or through State street by the same route. Going to the station, the route is down State and through Union avenue. Carriages and automobiles shall move only in a northerly direction on College street between Crown and Elm streets.


Tontine Hotel, corner of Church and Court streets.

Davenport Hotel, corner of Court and Grange streets.


Warren Hall Dining Room, 1044 Chapel street.

Heublein's, corner of Church and Court streets.

Child's, corner of Crown and Church streets.

Hof Brau Haus, corner of Church and Crown streets.

The Yale University Dining Club, Grove and College streets, has extended its privileges to Harvard men and their friends.

Special Notice.

Keep your seats until the game is over. No one will be allowed to stand in the aisles or passageways while the game is being played. Persons leaving their seats must leave the field.
