It is only too well known that last year the Student Council accomplished little or nothing of permanent value. It is probably not so generally appreciated just wherein lay the inherent weakness of its organization. The Council should and can be a vigorous body which will take an active part in forwarding undergraduate interests and one that will act as their representative in many ways.
Perhaps the chief fault of the Council of last year lay in the fact that it was unwieldy almost to the point of immobility. Practically the twenty busiest men in College cannot all be expected to be free at any one time. Consequently meetings were poorly attended; the members lost interest, and efficiency departed. This experience proves that the Student Council was too large to form an effective working body.
Another cause for the impotence of last year was the small support accorded the Council by the undergraduates. Such a condition can have arisen only because the body in question did not represent in enough detail the various phases of undergraduate activity. Although there can be no doubt that the men who did compose the Council were the most representative, it is by no means certain that there were enough of them to act wisely and justly on behalf of the entire student body. This consideration points to a larger membership as necessary if the Council is to command respect and consideration for its decisions.
To make anything larger and smaller at the same time is impossible, but the effect of such a procedure can be produced in the case of the Student Council. To provide true representation, let the Council be enlarged. To do business quickly and effectively, let there be an executive committee of ten men or less, which shall have power to act for the Council except in cases of unusual importance. Such an arrangement would obviate the greatest faults of the old organization. As soon as the undergraduate mind is restored to its normal condition by the end of the football season, the re-animation and re-juvenation of the present defunct Student Council must be undertaken and carried through.
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