This afternoon will afford the last of very few opportunities the Freshman class will have had this season to evince its interest in the score at New Haven on Saturday. Furthermore, every member of the class cannot but appreciate to a certain degree the amount of drudgery necessary to bring the team to the eve of the Yale game with only one defeat. And thirdly, the 1914 Freshman team has a high criterion to emulate: 1912 broke the long line of Freshman football defeats by Yale, 1913 proved equal to this standard, and now it remains for 1914 to do all in its power to continue this excellent record.
For these reasons let every Freshman turn out this afternoon at half-past three and march to the Field with his class. Only in this way, by a display of splendid enthusiasm, can the team know that the class is behind it to a man and hence derive a confidence and spirit which will brook no defeat.
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"Les Romanesques" in Jordan at 8.15