
"Chocolate Soldiers" Won Lacrosse

In the final of the scrub lacrosse series played yesterday afternoon, the "Chocolate Soldiers" defeated the "Fortune Hunters," 1 to 0. As the score indicates, the game was exceedingly close, Parker making the only goal in the middle of the first half. In the second half, darkness made good playing impossible. The winners were much superior to their opponents in team play, and their defence was far stronger. Fitts and Gustafson played good individual games for the losers.

The line-ups: CHOCOLATE SOLDIERS.  FORTUNE HUNTERS. Bicknell, g.  g., Goepper Hale, p.  p., Emery Davies, c.p.  c.p., Fitts Hutchinson, 1d.  1d., Washburn Drucker, 2d.  2d., Lewis Nash, 3d.  3d., Mansfield Sanborn, c.  c., Beatley Smith, 3a.  3a., Gustafson Holbrook, 2a.  2a., Brundage Nightingale, 1a.  1a., Abbe Parker, o.h.  o.h., Candee Brunel, i.h.  i.h., Rose
