

Under the present system of giving make-up mid-year examinations, the unfortunate undergraduate who happens to be ill during the mid-year period is obliged to take both sets of three-hour examinations at the same time. Finals alone tax the industry and ability of most men to no slight degree, and, if the strain of a second series of tests is added, a man's power to do himself justice is nearly annihilated.

Toward the end of such a period a student is mentally exhausted, and his chances of passing in the last two or three tests is dangerously impaired. Another element which makes these extra examinations even more onerous than they naturally would be, is the fact that the make-ups require if anything a longer period of review than the examinations would if taken in February. This is true because of the greater time which has elapsed since the work was taken up.

A practical solution of this difficulty would be to place the make-up examinations about mid-way between the April tests and the final period. This would allow men between two and three weeks in which to prepare and would leave the final period for final examinations alone.
