

Harvard's Opponents Well Drilled in Open Play and Have Strong Line.

The University football team will play the third game of the season with Williams in the Stadium this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Last year Williams was defeated, 8 to 6, in a slow game, in which Williams scored a touchdown in the first five minutes of play. This year the Williams team is made up of new men, only three of the eleven having played against Harvard before. Nevertheless a hard game is expected, as the Harvard line will be more nearly matched in weight than in either of the two previous games. The ends are light and fast, and should keep the Harvard ends and defensive backs on the alert to prevent a score. With Minot, McKay, Fisher and Withington in the line, however, Williams ought not to gain to any extent through any of these positions. Judging from the style of game played by the visiting team so far this season, the game should be characterized by open work by the backs and ends. The chance of a score by Williams is therefore considerable.

Williams opened the season with a no score game with Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Indecision in the selection of players, poor signals and a lack of snap was evident in the showing made by the Williams team, which failed to display the form of the early practice. A week later Union was defeated, 29 to 0, when Williams took a decided brace, especially in executing open plays. During the past week practice has been very stiff and daily improvement was noticeable.

The two teams will line up as follows: HARVARD.  WILLIAMS. Felton, l.e.  r.e., Smith McKay, l.t.  r.t., Walker Minot, l.g.  r.g., G. Mason Perkins, c.  c., Linten Fisher, r.g.  l.g., Perry Withington, r.t.  l.t., Michaels L. Smith, r.e.  l.e., Winter Wigglesworth, q.b.  q.b., Stevens Leslie, I.h.b.  r.h.b., Bohnet Corbett, r.h.b.  l.h.b., Prindle T. Frothingham, f.b.  f.b., Peterson

Referee-J. B. Pendleton, Bowdoin. Umpire-F. W. Burleigh, Exeter. Field judge-W. R. Okeson, Lehigh. Head linesman-N. Tufts, Brown. Time-Four 10-minute periods.

Short Practice Yesterday Afternoon.


There was no scrimmage yesterday afternoon for the University squad, signal practice being held for about half an hour. After this T. H. Frothingham kicked off from the middle of the held and the next team ran the ball back several times with the whole squad interfering. As it began to rain, most of the squad was sent in, Withinton trying several field-goals with Gardner.

This evening both teams will be the guests of Mr. Douglas Fairbanks at the Globe Theatre, where "The Cub" is now playing.

Cheering Section at Game

This afternoon a section of the Stadium will be reserved for cheering. Only holders of H. A. A. and undergraduates holding season tickets will be admitted to this section. R. C. Foster '11 and H. Jaques, Jr., '11, have been appointed cheer leaders,
