
Football Ushers Appointed for Year

The following men have been appointed football ushers for the rest of the season. Owing to the large number of applicants only half could be used for the game today, but others will be given a chance as they are needed. Men marked A stand at the bottom of the steps, men marked C at the upper entrance. Ushers should be at their places at 2 o'clock sharp. The assistant head usher will distribute the badges to the ushers at their places. Any usher who fails to appear on time for every game, or who does not send a substitute, will lose his privilege.

Reserved seat side-In charge, H. E. Ohler: Sect. 1, W. D. Wile (A), J. C. Milliken (B), F. H. Beall (C); Set. 2, O. M. Bate (A), H. E. Wildes (B), H. M. Schoenfield (C); Sect. 3, C. E. Porter (A), W. C. Marshall (B), E. H. Stricker (C); Sect. 4, I. G. O'Gorman (A), W. E. Merrill (B), L. W. Gross (C); Sect. 5. H. F. Cameron (A), J. R. Basker (B), T. Coggeshall (C); Sect. 6, G. M. Glover (A), P. B. Potter (B), W. M. Danner (C); Sect. 7, H. O. Palmer (A), M. Nigro (B), J. A. Cummings (C); Sect. 8, O. E. Loomis (A), N. B. Dee (B), J. Indelkofer (C); Sect. 9, S. A. Reed (A), J. A Davis (B), M. M. Albach (C); Sect. 10, G.G. Loud (A), F. T. Farker (B), R.W. Peters.

Season ticket side-In charge, R. F. Hooper: Sect. 20, H. A. Mundo (A), J. F. A. Gibson (B), A. K. Palmer (C); Sect. 27, S. K. Gibson (A), A. Cline (B), R. K. Nash (C); Sect. 28, A. C. Roberts (A), S. P. Holland (B), J. A. McLaughlin (C); Sect. 29, S. C. Li (A), E. J. Bryan (B), F. H. Canaday (C); Sect. 30, E. P. Felker (A), J. A. Butler (B), M. W. Cox (C); Sect. 31, H. Root (a), C. S. Davis (B), T. T. Allen (C); Sect. 32, A. J. Post (A), M. M. McDermott (B), B. B. Webster, Jr. (C); Sect. 33, F. S. Miley (A), W. Fraser-Campbell (B), D. Bloomfield (C); Sect. 34, E. K. Watson (A), C. C. Concannon (B), A. L. Quinn (C); Sect. 35, S. A. Levine (A), J. W. Hall (B), C. S. Lee (C); Sect. 36, H. C. Brown (A), W. B. Martin (B); Sect. 37, J. A. Donovan (A).

The following report to the head usher: A. A. Berle, Jr., M. Corcoran, D. Dahl, E. H. Davis, A. B. Fitts, R. W. Gordon, E. A. Healey, H. R. Howe, H. S. Sanborn, C. W. Whitall


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