
Baseball Teams Played Loosely

In the practice of the University baseball team held Yesterday afternoon on Soldiers Field, team A defeated team B by the score of 12 to 8.

The fielding of both sides was very loose, team A making five errors, while team B made 11. Although team A made only five hits to team B's ten, they were able to make these hits count and also able to take advantage of their opponents errors.

The following report at Locker Building dressed to play at 2 sharp: Babson, Blackall, I. C. Bolton, Booth, W. F. Brown, Jr., Carr, Chase, F. H. Clark, Clifford, Conant, Coon, Flint, Gibson, Hardy, Kennedy, Lawrence, Lowrey, Paul, Simpkins, Sweetser, Tomes, W. B. Young. All men assigned to play Monday or Tuesday report as usual next week.


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