The first competition of the year for positions on the editorial board of the CRIMSON will open this evening. In order that this exacting competition may not interfere unnecessarily with mid-year examinations, it has been decided to follow the precedent set last spring in shortening the period of work to about 13 weeks. The competition will end on or about January 10. In pursuance of the practice of the past two years, the fall competition will not be open to Freshmen, for it is felt that they had better have more than two weeks in which to learn to know the University before undertaking such absorbing work. The second competition, beginning in February, will be open to 1914.
The CRIMSON competition offers an exceptional opportunity for becoming familiar with all that is going no hear and leads to positions of responsibility in one of the most important non-athletic activities in which an undergraduate can be of service to the University. The competition is one of the longest in College, but we can assure those who consider entering it, that whether successful or not, they will never regret the experience or consider their time wasted.
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Progress of University Extension