The custom of having candidates for the position of assistant manager of any of the teams collect money as the major part of their competitive work was one of the greatest evils of the University's athletic organization. This practice made the choice of managers dependent upon qualities of no importance in handling teams. Besides, as it worked out, most of the money subscribed came from Freshmen who through ignorance or shyness felt in necessary to give liberally to each of the twelve or fifteen managerial candidates who were sure to call upon them. Generosity is an excellent habit, but being imposed upon is not.
The action on the part of the Graduate Treasurer of Athletics in abolishing this malpractice is a great step forward in putting athletics upon a sound business basis. Under the old regime, when book-keeping was lax and expenses unnecessarily large, gifts to the Athletic Association were an easy way of making both ends meet. Now, however, with receipts and expenditures carefully supervised, the necessity of subscriptions no longer exists. Mr. Garcelon deserves high praise for his recent action and for the administration which made it possible.
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