In the second secret practice of the year, the University football team held a 35 minute scrimmage with the second team yesterday afternoon and defeated them, 13 to 0, scoring two touchdowns and a goal from placement. The first touchdown was the result of a recovered on-side kick by the University team on the second's 10-yard line. In three plays the touchdown was scored, T. Frothingham carrying the ball through the right side of the line-each time. The backfield was then changed, Potter playing quarterback and Pierce, Morrison and Tryon replacing the backs. After several plays, a forward pass from Potter to O'Flaherty was worked successfully, but on a second attempt, the pass was intercepted by Weil who went 15 yards before Potter tackled him. After the ball had been worked to the second's 25-yard line, Wigglesworth and T. Frothingham went in and Frothingham kicked a goal from placement from the 35-yard line. The University team held well and the ball was in no danger of being blocked.
Here the backs were again changed, Wendell being used for the first time this season. Soon after the kick-off. Amory recovered an on-side kick on the second's 10-yard line. A forward pass to Jowett put the ball on the 5-yard line, and Wendell made the touchdown. The second team, except for fumbles, played a good game, and the effects of coaching were evident in a decided improvement in team-play. Coach Haughton was not on the field, J. W. Cutter '09 being in charge of the squad. Corbett followed the scrimmage but did no work, as his hand is still bandaged.
The teams line up as follows:
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