
Fifteen Dormitory Crews on River

At present there are fifteen dormitory crews rowing on the river. As yet the orders of the various boats are far from settled, owing to the failure of a considerable number of the men to report regularly. In the work so far, the Mt. Auburn street, Claverly and Randolph crews are showing the best form, but the standard of the rowing is somewhat below that of last year.

Following is a complete list of the crews which are now rowing:

From the Newell Boathouse--Mt. Auburn St., Outsiders' Crew, Perkins, Russell, Thayer and Westmorly.

From the Weld Boathouse--Beck, Brentford, Claverly, Dana-Dunster-Drayton, Fairfax, Hampden, Randolph, Ware and Weld.
