The annual fall handicap track games will be held in the Stadium this afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. There will be no charge for admission. A complete list of entries with handicaps was published in yesterday's CRIMSON. In order that the games may be started promptly on time, contestants and officials should report at the Locker Building at 3 o'clock. Those entering the hammer-throw are requested to report at 2 o'clock, if possible.
Two hundred and seventy-five entries were received, an increase of 101 over last year's total. This increase is probably due to the exclusion of University track "H" men this year, as this gives the less experienced men a much better chance of scoring. As usual, cups will be given to the winners of first and second places. Men who have not taken strength tests will not be allowed to compete.
The order of events is as follows:
Track Events.
Trials of 120-yard hurdles.
Trials of 100-yard dash.
One-mile run.
440-yard dash.
Finals of 120-yard hurdles.
Finals of 100-yard dash.
880-yard run.
220-yard hurdles.
Trials of 220-yard dash.
Two-mile run.
Finals of 220-yard dash.
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