
Union Participating Life Membership

The attention of students in all departments of the University and of graduates is called to the new form of membership lately instituted at the Union. This is to be known as participating life membership and its object is to make it easier for students in their last year in the University and for young graduates to become life members of the Union. The plan is to allow the dues for such membership to be paid in five, or less, annual instalments as explained below.

"Participating life members: A student spending his final year in an undergraduate department of the University, or a student in any graduate department of the University, or any past member of the University may become a participating life member by the payment of ten dollars at the time of application for such membership, and by signing an agreement to pay within the period of four years thereafter, forty dollars, in annual instalments of not less than ten dollars each.

"A participating life member upon the payment of the last instalment to complete the required fee of fifty dollars shall, thereupon, become a life member."

Applications for such membership may be made at the office of the Union, or in writing to the Treasurer of the Harvard Union, Room 509, 131. State street, Boston.
