
Subjects of Godkin Lectures

The Godkin lectures for 1910-11 will be given by Professor Dr. Josef Redlich, of the University of Vienna. There will be five lectures, and the general subject will be "Austria and Hungary as a Federation." The lectures will be given in Emerson D on November 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, at 8 o'clock. They will be open to the public. The dates and titles of the separate lectures are as follows:

November 1.--"The Historical Basis of the Union of Austria and Hungary, 1526-1723."

November 2.--"Austria and Hungary from the Pragmatic Sanction to the Revolution of 1848."

November 3.--"The New Foundation of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, 1848-1867."

November 4.--"The Compromise of 1867 and its Development till the Present."


November 5.--"The Dual Menarchy and the Modern Ideas of Nationalism. Imperialism, and Democracy."
