

Opponents Unable to Pierce Harvard Line.--University Ends Fast.

Amherst was defeated by the University football team in the Stadium on Saturday afternoon by the decisive score of 17 to 0 in a game characterized by long punts and noticeable absence of the new open style of play. Harvard at no time found difficulty in gaining through the light Amherst line, which was weakened by the loss of several good men injured in previous games.

During the first five minutes of play the University team's line was put on the defensive inside its 5-yard line for the first time this season. One of Corbett's kicks was blocked. Roberts picked up the ball and dashed for the goal line 30 yards away, but he was tackled by Morrison on the 3-yard line. Amherst then tried three line plays, Abele going against the right side of the line twice and Seaman trying left guard. Neither attempt, however, gained an inch, and Corbett punted out of danger.

Harvard scored once in the first period and again in the second on touchdowns by Morrison. The close of the first half prevented another attempt to score for just as the whistle blew Lewis was ready to try a drop-kick from in front of the goal posts on the 12-yard line. The last touchdown came in the third period on a perfect forward pass from Potter to L. Smith, who ran 20 yards for the score. At the beginning of the fourth period Harvard put in a practically different team, using an entirely new line, and two new men in the backfield.

Harvard's play was more developed than in the Williams game. The backs especially were very effective, particularly through the tackle positions, where Corbett and Wendell made long gains time after time. The defence showed up strongly against the light Amherst line but it has not yet really been tested against opponents of equal weight. The interference, both for the backs and for the man running in a punt, was very effective against the opposing tacklers. The playing of the ends, especially of L. Smith and Lewis, was easily the fastest seen this season; on almost every punt both men were waiting for the back to catch the ball. Of the two quarterbacks, Potter ran the team more smoothly than Gardner and got more work out of the men, though he is still inferior to Wigglesworth as a field general. Corbett was very fast, making several long and spectacular runs, often shaking off the Amherst tacklers when he had passed his own interference. Wendell on tackle plays could be counted on for good gains and T. H. Frothingham, who alone played the entire game, was dependable on the defence.

For Amherst, Pinkett at centre was the most aggressive man and was at the bottom of every play. Creede's excellent kicking prevented Harvard from gaining much distance by the exchange of punts. Fitts with Abele in the backfield played fast, reliable football.


Only five forward passes were attempted during the game. Amherst lost by this play in the first period and did not try it again. Potter made two successful passes, the one to L. Smith in the sec- ond period gaining 20 yard and a touchdown. Gardner tried two later in the game but both were failures. Neither side recovered any onside kicks, and this play was seldom tried. The penalties amounted to 65 yards. Harvard was penalized 30 yard in six offenses of offside play and 15 yards for holding, while Amherst was penalized only twice, once for being offside and once for illegal use of hands.

The Game in Detail.

Captain Withington won the toss and received Creede's kick on the 20-yard line, making only 5 yards before being downed. Corbett got 8 yards but Morrison failed to gain, so Corbett kicked to Fitts on Amherst's 46-yard line. Abele could not gain around right end and L. Smith threw Madden for a loss on a forward pass, compelling Creede to punt. Corbett ran to Harvard's 40-yard line before he was downed. Amherst lost 5 yards for offside on the next play but Morrison could not gain. Corbett therefore punted, but Harvard was offside and the ball was brought back to Harvard's 40-yard line. Corbett's kick was blocked; Roberts picked up the ball and started for the goal line 30 yards away. Morrison overtook him, and the ball was on Harvard's 3-yard line. In this play, Roberts broke a bone in his ankle, and Cooke took his place. Amherst could not gain on three line plays and lost the ball on downs. Corbett punted out of danger to Amherst's 50-yard line where Abele was thrown. Two attempts at rushing resulted in a loss and Creede dropped back to punt. His kick was blocked and it was Harvard's ball in midfield. From here, the touchdown was made in six plays. Corbett and Morrison made long gains, and a forward pass to L. Smith put the ball on the 28-yard line. After Morrison had covered six yards, Corbett gained 20 more on a six yards, Corbett gained 20 more on a dodging run, and from the 4-yard line Morrison scored. Withington kicked the goal. During the rest of the period there was an exchange of kicks and time was called with Amherst in possession of the ball on its 34-yard line.

Second Period.

Soon after the start of the play, Creede kicked to Potter who ran the ball 10 yards to his 35-yard line. From this point consistent gains, mostly through tackle, carried, the ball over for a touchdown. Corbett made 26 yards and Morrison got 9 more. After three plays by Corbett and Morrison, Wendell took Corbett's place and in two downs put the ball on the 4-yard line. Morrison scored on the next play, and Frothingham kicked the goal.

On the kick-off the ball want over the goal-line and Harvard rushed it from the 25-yard line. An exchange of punts and long gains by Wendell carried the ball to the 12-yard line. Graustein then took Morrison's place. Lewis had dropped back to try a drop-kick just as the half came to an end.

Second Half.

Creede kicked off to Wendell who ran in 22 yards to the 30-yard line. Graustein on a pretty end run carried the ball to mid-field. Minot punted to Amherst's 15-yard line where the ends downed their man without a gain. After a 5-yard loss, Creede punted to Graustein, who took the ball to Amherst's 37-yard line. Wendell made first down on a 12-yard gain and on the next play made 5 yards more. L. Smith ran 15 yards and scored on a forward pass from Potter. T. H. Frothingham failed to kick the goal.

For the rest of the period the ball was in Amherst's territory almost entirely. Just before the period ended Creede's punt was blocked, but Fitts got the ball and ran 18 yards to the 45-yard line. This was the only long run by Amherst.

No Scoring in Fourth Period.

As the Harvard team lined up for the last period there was an entirely new line and two substitutions in the backfield. Corbett returned to right halfback and acted as captain for the remainder of the game. On the whole the playing was slow, and the punts, of which there were a great many, fell short owing to the soggy condition of the ball.

Abele gained only two yards in the line and Creede punted to Corbett on the second down. The latter ran the ball to Harvard's 50-yard line but the backs were unable to gain, so Corbett punted back to Fitts who was thrown on Amherst's 17-yard line. Connolly and Hubbard netted 6 yards but Creede kicked to Gardner who was tackled in mid-field. Here Harvard was penalized for off-side. Again Corbett punted to the 32-yard line but Amherst tried in vain to gain 10 yards and was forced to punt. Corbett caught the ball, which went very low on Amherst's 51-yard line. Here Gardner tried a forward pass but failed. Pinkett, who at this period of the game was easily the most aggressive player on the opposing team, succeeded in preventing Corbett from getting free on the next two plays, so Harvard kicked to Amherst's 17-yard line. As the previous plays, Amherst could make no impression on the Harvard line and Creede kicked to Corbett on the second down. It was the excellence of Creede's kicking that prevented Harvard from approaching nearer the Amherst goal-line. Harvard was penalized 15 yards for holding on the next play and kicked to Amherst's 24-yard line. Two plays resulted in no gain for the Amherst back-field. Corbett received the punt on the 50-yard line and dodged through a broken field for a total of 20 yards. Here the Amherst line braced and took the ball on downs on its 22-yard line. The game ended at this point.

The summary:

HARVARD.  AMHERST.Lewis, Felton, l.e.  r.e., Roberts, CookMcKay, Hann, l.t.  r.t., GuetterMinot, Stow, l.g.  r.g., CaryHuntington, P. Smith, Perkins, c.  c., PinkettFisher, Keays, r.g.  l.g., Baumann, BishopWithington, Parmenter, r.t.  l.t., CreedeL.Smith, O'Flaherty, r.e.  l.e., Madden, BrownePotter, Gardner, q.b.  q.b., FittsMorrison, Graustein, Corbett, l.h.b.  r.h.b., Hubbard, ConnollyCorbett, Wendell, r.h.b.  l.h.b., AbeleT. H. Frothingham, f.b.  f.b., Seama
