
University Calendar

*Open to University. **Open to Public

Saturday, October 15.

*MORNING PRAYER. Rev. H. S. Coffin, D., Appleton Chapel, 8.45 A. M.

Sunday, October 16

**MORNING SERVICE. Rev. Henry Sloane Coffin, D. D., of New York, N. Y. Appleton Chapel, 11 A. M. Students of the University enter at the south side-door. Students of the University accompanied friends enter at the south side-door. Student of the University and their famous enter at the north side-door. No seats except in the galleries will be open to the public.

*GRADUATE SCHOOLS' CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. Address by Professor Ropes. Parlor, Phillips Brooks House, 7 P. M.


Monday October 17

**LECTURE. "The Life and Works of Beethoven". (With Musical Illustrations). Professor Friedlaender. New Lecture Hall, 4.30 P. M. Seats reserved for members the beginning of the lecture.

*SEMINARY OF ECONOMICS. "The Course of Prices (1885-1910) for Railroad and Industrial Securities." Professor Ripley. Upper Dane 2; 4.30 P. M.

*PHYSICAL COLLOQUIUM. "An Analysis of the Hysteresis Cycle." Mr. H. C. Hayes. Jefferson Physical Laboratory, Room 24, 5 P. M.

Tuesday, October 18

FACULTY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. Meeting at University 5, 4 P. M.

Thursday, October 20

**LECTURE. "Romanticism in Music, from von Weber and Chopin to Berlioz and Schumann."(With Musical Illustrations). Professor Friedlaender. New Lecture Hall, 4.30 P. M. Seats reserved for members of the University until five minutes before the beginning of the lecture.

BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA CONCERT. Soloist: Miss Edith Thompson. Sanders Theatre, 8 P. M. Program: Schumann, Overture to Byron's "Manfred"; Schumann, Symphony in E-flat major, No.3, "Rhenish"; Cesar Franck, Symphonic variations for Planoforte and Orchestra; Sibelius, Symphonic Poem, "En Saga"; Weber, Overture to "Oberon."

Saturday, October 22

Last day in the first half-year upon which undergraduates, special students, and unclassified students in Harvard College may drop courses of study without liability for additional course fees.
