
Christian Association Nominations

The following nominations for officers of the University Christian Association have been made by the nominating committee: for president, R. C. Floyd '11, H. L. Groves '12; for vice-president, B. Baker 1G.; for secretary, J. A. Spaulding '12, H. E. Wetzel '11; for treasurer, C. S. Collier '11, W. L. Ustick '12. Additional nominations may be made on petitions of twenty members not later than January 12. The elections will take place at the annual business meeting to be held at 8 o'clock on the evening of January 19 in the Parlor of Phillips Brooks House.

It is proposed to change the article of the constitution of the Association which now states, "The officers shall be a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and librarian," so that it shall read. "The officers shall be a president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer." At the close of the annual business meeting E. C. Carter '00, of New York City, will speak briefly on "The Function of a University Christian Association."
